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A dentist has created a simple diagnostic liquid solution that can be applied to the surface of a patient's teeth prior to a dental X-ray and which will help show dentists whether a tooth has cavitated decay or is pre-cavity.

A new study shows that the more flights of stairs a person climbs, and the more years of school a person completes, the 'younger' their brain physically appears.

Younger African-American grandmothers who are the primary caregivers for their grandchildren may have different needs than older grandmothers, possibly requiring different types of support to reduce depression and improve the quality of their mental health, according to researchers.

Young people who self-harm avoid Accident and Emergency departments wherever possible, new research concludes. These youth say that they have received punitive treatment from staff, and these experiences perpetuate a cycle of shame, avoidance and further self-harm.

The number of overweight people is increasing worldwide -- and thus the risk of developing diabetes or cardiovascular disease. For this reason, many dream of an active substance which would simply melt off fat deposits. An international team of scientists has now come one small step closer to this…

New research has identified a first step in the design of a new generation of anti-cancer drugs that include an agent to inhibit resistance to their effectiveness.

Black young adults not only have substantially more student loan debt than their white counterparts (68.2 percent more) but are not nearly as protected by their parents' wealth as their white counterparts, according to a study.

For years now, health care reformers have been pushing hospitals to do what should be obvious: protect patients from hospital-bred infections that make them sicker than they already are. Starting in 2008, Medicare stopped reimbursing hospitals for hospital-acquired infections. The idea was to hit…

Bioengineers and physicians have developed a potential new therapy for critical limb ischemia, a condition that causes extremely poor circulation and leads to an estimated 230,000 amputations yearly in North America and Europe alone to prevent the spread of infection and tissue death. The new…

A psychologist has just published the results of a national study examining how men feel about their bodies and their attractiveness. Long thought to be an issue primarily faced by women, body dissatisfaction was identified as a common issue among men -- gay and heterosexual -- in the largest…

Modifying gut bacteria could be a treatment option for some of the symptoms associated with the widespread disease polycystic ovary syndrome, according to a recent study. The study found that changes in gut bacteria are strongly associated with obesity and signs of diabetes in a mouse model that…

A substantial proportion of women in countries around the world do not stay in health facilities for long enough after giving birth, which could result in them receiving inadequate postnatal care, according to a new study.

A new study based on the largest prospective cohort of children with concussion in the world introduces a validated clinical prediction score that will help health providers and researchers to predict the duration of pediatric concussion symptoms.

One-fifth of smartphone owners had health apps in 2012. Now a new study examined the privacy policies of Android diabetes apps and the sharing of health information.

What do cancer cells and a runny nose have in common? Researchers say the answer may hold the key to making cancer treatment better. They have discovered a new gene target -- a chink in pancreatic cancer's defensive armor. Their discovery may point to new targeted therapies and a way to help make…

In women with dense breasts, adding either tomosynthesis (a form of 3-D mammography) or ultrasound scans to standard mammograms can detect breast cancers that would have been missed, according to new results.

Australia's largest predator, the dingo, is resistant to one of the main threats to its survival as a species -- changes to skull shape brought about by cross breeding (hybridization) with dogs, research shows.

Scheduling takes the fun out of free time, researchers have found. Their new article, therefore, suggests that it is best to ditch that to-do list when it comes to having fun.

The cellular and molecular mechanisms by which one neuron finds specific target neurons and eventually forms functional sub networks are not fully understood. To better understand how and why these specialized sub networks are created, researchers have combined electrophysiological and optical…

Approximately 25 percent of Texans say they lack confidence in understanding some of the most basic terminology about health insurance plans, according to a new report. The report found uninsured, low-income and Hispanic Texans were least likely to understand health-plan terms like "premium,"…

Domestic violence by a partner or ex-partner during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight and small-for-gestational-age babies, finds a study.

Experts have set off a firestorm of controversy this month when they suggested that women stop drinking alcohol if they are trying to get pregnant, or could get pregnant. Some people took this advice as prioritizing hypothetical, yet-to-be-conceived children over real women, which has brought up a…

Given the high stress levels, extended periods of screen time and regular social outings many Americans experience day-to-day in environments where high-calorie foods are readily available, it can be easy to fall into the habit of mindless eating -- where we're too distracted to pay attention to…

Gender stereotypes are as strong today as they were 30 years ago, and that people are even more likely now to believe that men avoid 'traditional' female roles, new research concludes.

Five years after breast-conserving surgery, radiotherapy focused around the tumor bed is as good at preventing recurrence as irradiating the whole breast, with fewer side effects, researchers have found.

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