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Surgery to remove the primary tumor in women diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer, followed by the standard combination of therapies, adds months to the patients' lives, compared with standard therapy alone, an international clinical trial revealed.

A new review investigating the health benefit of contact with the natural environment has found that, while the majority of quantitative studies reported no effect on health and well-being, there was limited evidence to suggest positive effects on self-reported health, quality of life and physical…

In the age of the 'sugar tax', good news about glucose is hard to come by. But a scientist has just proposed a new understanding of the established link between the sweet stuff and improved self-control.

A program encouraging overweight or obese adolescents to increase their physical activity through use of their everyday environment, rather than organized classes or sports programs, produced significant increases in daily physical activity that were sustained for at least three to four months.

Dentin is one of the most durable biological materials in the human body. Researchers were able to show that the reason for this can be traced to its nanostructures and specifically to the interactions between the organic and inorganic components.

Pten (short for phosphatase and tensin homolog) is a tumor suppressor that is defective in about 20-25 percent of all patients with cancers. Researchers now have discovered that Pten safeguards against tumor formation by keeping chromosome numbers intact when a cell splits into two daughter cells.

The prevalence of frailty in young bone marrow transplant survivors is similar to that seen in the elderly population and frailty is associated with an increased risk of subsequent death, according to a new study.

A simple and effective web service has been developed that enables a better understanding of cell functions by identifying links between changes in metabolism and gene expression. New insights gained by means of the service can be applied to develop treatments for autoimmune diseases and cancer,…

Hearing loss is a significant public health concern, and efforts should be made to provide adults with easier access to and more affordable options for hearing health care, especially for those in underserved and vulnerable populations, suggests a new report.

In an effort to better understand what happens during Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), researchers have compared the impact of ALS on the eye and limb muscles. They have focused on specific proteins that are important for muscle-nerve contacts. The eye muscles appear to be better equipped to…

A study of almost 150,000 men from eight European countries shows that higher body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference are associated with an increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer.

Increases in unemployment in California during the Great Recession were associated with an increased risk for weight gain among the state's 1.7 million public school students, suggesting that economic troubles could have long-term health consequences for children.

Scientists who indirectly investigated the blood sugar effects of 10 (out of 32 selected) commercial weight loss programs say a few show promise of benefit for diabetic patients, but far more rigorous research is needed before doctors can wholeheartedly recommend them.

Preeclampsia is one of the most common complications to occur during pregnancy, yet its causes are still unknown. A new study involving patients, cell cultures and animal experiments has now shown that those affected by the disease have lower quantities of the placenta's immune protein CD74, and…

More than 15.5 million Americans alive with a history of cancer in 2016, a number that is projected to reach more than 20 million by 2026, a new report indicates.

A dietary supplement containing a blend of thirty vitamins and minerals--all natural ingredients widely available in health food stores--has shown remarkable anti-aging properties that can prevent and even reverse massive brain cell loss, according to new research. It's a mixture scientists believe…

Researchers hope that a brain vital-sign test becomes as routine during a doctor's check-up as taking a blood pressure or heart rate measurement.

Male students in undergraduate introductory biology courses are outperforming females at test time, but it may be due to how exams are designed rather than academic ability, suggests new research. In addition, high socioeconomic status students are performing better than lower-status students on…

A new type of 3D printing will make it possible for the first time to rapidly prototype and test polymer membranes that are patterned for improved performance.

As the chance of being diagnosed with thyroid cancer has risen in recent years, investigators are exploring the impact of the immunotherapy drug pembrolizumab on advanced disease.

It has been established that not all cancer cells are equally aggressive. Most can be neutralized with radiation and chemotherapy. Researchers have now discovered that some cancer cells can accumulate fat droplets, which appear to make them more aggressive and increase their ability to spread.

Utilizing the immunotherapeutic agents nivolumab and ipilimumab could lead to more effective treatment options for non-small cell lung cancer patients who fail initial therapy, report scientists.

A research team has succeeded in creating mice in the laboratory with hyper-long telomeres and with reduced molecular ageing, avoiding the use of genetic manipulation. This new technique based on epigenetic changes avoids the manipulation of genes in order to delay molecular ageing. The study also…

The relentless desire by mice to run on cage 'exercise' wheels has helped explain at a molecular level how exercise benefits a mammal's brain.

There's a stark and troubling way that incarceration diminishes the ability of a former inmate to empathize with a loved one behind bars, but existing sociological theories fail to capture it, sociologists have found.

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