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The dynamics of the RNA polymerase II (Pol II) backtracking process is poorly understood. Scientists have now built a Markov State Model from extensive molecular dynamics simulations to identify metastable intermediate states and the dynamics of backtracking at atomistic detail. The results reveal…

The associations between infection types during the first 2 years of life and between respiratory tract infections in the first 6 months and type l diabetes (T1D) have been the focus of recent research. Viral infections, particularly enteroviruses, have been hypothesized to cause T1D. Recent…

For the first time, researchers have imaged and identified the bond configuration of the intermediates in a complex sequence of chemical transformations of enediyne molecules on a silver surface and has resolved the microscopic mechanisms that account for their behavior.

The number of new HIV infections occurring annually in the United States decreased by an estimated 11 percent from 2010 to 2015, while the HIV transmission rate decreased by an estimated 17 percent during the same time period, according to new research.

Simple heat-based exercise can be just as effective as low-oxygen training to improve physical performance and altitude tolerance, new study reveals. The new work suggests that heat-based exercise can offer a more efficient means of improving altitude tolerance and physical performance than…

A new study finds a significant decline in funding for an important part of the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR. The study finds a 33 percent drop in funding for a core activity called governance and systems, which supports infrastructure for delivering HIV- and…

Researchers have found that extended rest intervals between sets of weight-lifting could help with muscle growth.

Adults with bipolar disorder are just as likely to develop anxiety as depression following an episode of mania, according to data from a national survey of more than 34,000 adults.

The results have been released of a double-blinded randomized controlled trial of the 'Xiao procedure' in children with spina bifida who suffer from neurogenic bladder dysfunction. The Xiao procedure was touted for many years in China as being more than 80 percent effective in such patients. In the…

The chain of events that occur within the gut lumen after antibiotic treatment that allow 'bad' bugs to flourish is now better understood, thanks to new research.

Cytopathology researchers recently found that combining two diagnostic tests, Pap and high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV), dramatically decreased the chance of missing tumors and high-grade lesions by sevenfold.

Seven of the 10 most profitable hospitals in the United States in 2013 – each earning more than $163 million in profits from patient care services – were nonprofit hospitals, according to new research.

Researchers looked at Vocational Rehabilitation, a federally funded employment program for people with disabilities that is administered by each state. They found that adults with autism are increasingly applying for services, but most are getting jobs that pay well below the poverty line.

Students examine plausibility of all the humans on Earth shedding enough tears to form a river - and fill an Olympic size swimming pool.

Babies whose moms were vaccinated against the flu while pregnant had a 70 percent reduction in confirmed flu cases compared with infants whose moms weren't immunized, study finds.

Researchers have identified five new gene regions that increase a woman's risk of developing endometrial cancer, one of the most common cancers to affect women, taking the number of known gene regions associated with the disease to nine.

New research shows children aged 9-10 years old are receiving almost half of their daily energy requirements from 'discretionary' or junk foods.

A study has found that a cellular syringe-like device used to invade intestinal cells also acts as a traffic cop -- directing bacteria where to go and thereby enabling them to efficiently carry out infection. This mechanism is critical to a pathogen's success.

Sticking to a Mediterranean style diet might slow down aging, a new study has found. Mediterranean style diet, tested in the project, significantly decreased the levels of the protein known as C-reactive protein, one of the main inflammatory marker linked with the ageing process. Another positive…

Research has found a shortfall in the uptake of influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations among those diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), potentially increasing their infection risk.

Stressing a worm's mitochondria at a key time in early development is known to improve their metabolic health and extend lifespan. Researchers discovered what's behind this: enzymes that tag DNA and make epigenetic changes that affect the expression of mitochondrial genes long into adulthood,…

An experimental study has found that readers rate texts generated by algorithms more credible than texts written by real journalists.

Both a high-intensity functional exercise programme and a non-exercise group activity, conducted among older care facility residents with dementia, reduced high levels of depressive symptoms. However, exercise had no superior effect on depression, according to a new dissertation.

Exercise can have a positive influence on certain symptoms of multiple sclerosis, say researchers. Patients who do yoga and aquatic exercise suffer less from fatigue, depression and paresthesia, as reported by researchers.

Women with poor physical fitness display significantly higher platelet activation than women with average to very good fitness. Platelet (thrombocyte) activation can lead to the formation of potentially life-threatening blood clots. These blood clots can block blood vessels (thrombosis) and cut off…

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