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Scientists have revealed that a key molecule in breast and lung cancer cells can help switch off the cancers' ability to spread around the body. The findings may help scientists develop treatments that prevent cancer traveling around the body -- or produce some kind of test that allows doctors to…

Even with higher education, women with a body mass index of 30-34.9 have double the risk of depression compared with women of normal weight and same educational attainment.

New research looks into the paradox that women who sunbathe are likely to live longer than those who avoid the sun, even though sunbathers are at an increased risk of developing skin cancer. An analysis of information on 29,518 Swedish women who were followed for 20 years revealed that longer life…

The 'dumb blonde' stereotype is simply wrong, according to a new national study of young baby boomers. The study of 10,878 Americans found that white women who said their natural hair color was blonde had an average IQ score within 3 points of brunettes and those with red or black hair. The…

Perception experts have long known that we see less of the world than we think we do. We create mental models of our surroundings by stitching together scraps of information gleaned while shifting attention from place to place. The process that creates the illusion of a complete picture relies on…

Patients with rosacea, a chronic inflammatory skin condition, appeared to have increased risk of new-onset Parkinson disease compared with individuals in the general Danish population, but further studies are need to confirm this observation and the clinical consequences of it, according to an…

About 41 percent of young transgender women had one or more mental health or substance dependence diagnoses and nearly 1 in 5 had two or more psychiatric diagnoses in a study of participants enrolled in a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention intervention trial, according to an article.

One in six older adults now regularly use potentially deadly combinations of prescription and over-the-counter medications and dietary supplements -- a two-fold increase over a five-year period.

To grow or to specialize? To remain stationary or initiate migration? How do cells know what to do and how they should develop? The protein YAP plays a crucial role in the development of the human neural crest, report investigators.

Scientists have observed how an egg cell gets rid of its centrioles -- structures that play a crucial role in cell division -- to ensure the proper development of the embryo. The study is the first time the whole process has been seen in its entirety, in real time.

Patients often seek medical knowledge from social media platforms rather than traditional medical sources, research confirms. A new study suggests that digital media eases one-way, two-way and crowdsourced process of health knowledge sharing; provides personalized routes to health-related public…

The season a person is born in influences a wide range of things: from risk of allergic disease, to height and lifespan. Yet little is known about how a one-time exposure like the season of birth has such lasting effects. Researchers have now discovered specific markers on DNA that link the season…

Drug resistant bacteria are fast becoming one of the big worries of the 21 century. Now researchers have discovered a previously unknown weakness; an 'Achilles heel', of bacteria. Their discovery, a crucial step in bacteria's energy metabolism, may be the first step in developing an entirely novel…

The FDA advises consumers not to purchase or use Eradicate Capsules for weight control.

The FDA advises consumers not to purchase or use Xerophagy Capsules.

The FDA advises consumers not to purchase or use Salute Capsules, a product promoted and sold for sexual enhancement.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use Dynamizm Capsules.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use ZlimXter Capsules.

A narrative review examines the current status of cancer in adolescents and young adults and offers a view of the future. The article discusses incidence and survival, distribution and biology of disease, special challenges, the price of success, and opportunities for progress.

An important element in getting blood stem cells to multiply outside the body is to understand which of the approximately 20,000 genes in the human body control their growth. A research team has studied close to 15,000 of these genes alongside each other. The researchers have succeeded in…

A new 3-D printable hydrogel has been developed that opens the way to rapid, personalized cancer treatment by enabling multiple, simultaneous tests to find the correct therapy to target a particular tumor.

The pricing of artwork is often left up to the experts, but are they being swayed by unconscious signals the artists may be giving in the presentation of their work? A new study finds narcissism is positively associated with market performance of artworks, and contradicts previous research that…

The largest study of obstructive sleep apnea and crash risk among CMV drivers involved 1,613 truck drivers with sleep apnea and an equal number of controls. The rate of preventable crashes was 5 times higher among truck drivers with sleep apnea who failed to adhere to PAP therapy, compared with…

For the first time, research has shown that microRNAs, specifically the microRNA known as miR-34, can sit silently in an inactive state in a cell waiting for a signal to turn it on. The discovery turns on its head the long-held notion that a microRNA when made is always already activated and ready…

An overwhelming number of researchers still struggle within the black hole of the effectiveness and safety of stem cell therapy for neurological diseases. While the complexity of understanding how neurons grow, connect and function has long been studied, it remains a mystery, one that researchers…

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