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Men with low levels of the male sex hormone testosterone need not fear that testosterone replacement therapy will increase their risk of prostate cancer, suggests a new study.

Computer games controlled through wheelchair movements have the potential to improve quality of life for young people with severe mobility impairments but more needs to be done to consider the needs and preferences of players in game design, new research shows.

For highly trained Paralympic athletes with cerebral palsy, bone mineral density and other measures of body composition are similar to those of able-bodied adults of similar age, reports a new study.

A step has been taken toward the possibility of tuning the strength of memory by manipulating one of the brain's signaling memory mechanisms, a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.

A pioneering study of worldwide sleep patterns combines math modeling, mobile apps and big data to parse the roles society and biology each play in setting sleep schedules.

A new book by a radiation oncologist explores how animals can help us understand how the immune system can be used to fight cancer.

A mother's breast milk supports immune responses in her newborn that help the infant's gut become a healthy home to a mix of bacterial species, thanks in part to newly identified antibodies from the mother, according to a study.

As part of an effort to preserve Louisiana's fresh water resources, researchers have developed two online tools that offer a first-of-their-kind look at how Louisiana's waters interact with each other. These tools will help fishermen, oystermen, planners, decision makers, and all Louisianans…

An animal model has been developed that allows researchers to better understand the mechanisms that lead to the development of multiple myeloma, a hematologic cancer of plasma cells, and the amyloidosis that sometimes accompanies it.

A study using a stem cell therapy to treat challenging refractory angina (RA) patients demonstrated promising results, including improved exercise time, reduced angina and reduced mortality.

A new study shows the use of novel anticoagulants for AF prescribed on an 'as-needed basis' guided by diligent pulse monitoring, can be a safe and effective alternative to lowering overall risk of stroke.

People with peripheral artery disease (PAD) who take cholesterol-lowering statins may have a lower risk of amputation and early death than PAD patients who don't take statins. The risk of amputation and early death among PAD patients on higher dose statins is lower for patients on low or moderate…

A study on the impact of using different anticoagulation medications on men and women who have undergone a transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) found no difference in early vascular complications or mortality.

Women younger than 55 years of age who undergo percutaneous coronary intervention for acute coronary syndrome are more likely to experience one-year adverse cardiovascular events due to risk factors such as diabetes and chronic kidney disease, yet they are less likely to receive potent antiplatelet…

Two new studies reveal that administering a potent, broadly neutralizing antibody that binds to HIV evokes a strong immune response in humans, and can even accelerate the clearance of infected cells.

Patients treated with processed autologous adipose-derived regenerative cells injected into the heart muscle demonstrated symptomatic improvement and a trend towards lower rates of heart failure hospitalizations and angina, despite no improvement in left ventricle ejection fraction or ventricular…

Researchers are developing an antibody-based drug that may provide a better strategy for long-term control of HIV. New results from a clinical trial suggest that a single dose of a so-called broadly neutralizing antibody enables patients' immune systems to better fight the virus.

Scientists provide proof of principle for safe, targeted delivery of drugs to the placenta during pregnancy, for the first time. The discovery could one day help prevent some premature births and treat complications such as preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure and…

An addictions expert calls on clinicians to screen for vaping among teens, who are either uninformed or misinformed about the dangers and risks associated with electronic cigarettes.

A new study reveals children's language development is a learnt skill and is intricately linked to their ability to recognize patterns in their environment.

The ongoing Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic with its link to birth defects and serious immune disease has created an urgent need for a small animal model that can improve our understanding of how the virus causes disease symptoms in humans and speed up the development of vaccines and treatment. A new…

A newly discovered pathway leading to neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease may unlock the door to new approaches for treating the disease.

Any kid who pulls on a lizard tail knows it can drop off to avoid capture, but how they regrow a new tail remains a mystery. Now, researchers have identified tiny RNA switches, known as microRNAs, which may hold the keys to regenerating muscles, cartilage and spinal columns.

There has been a lot of enthusiasm for nudging individuals to eat better without restricting choice by making healthy foods more visible, attractive, and convenient. One such effort is for restaurants to serve meals with a default healthy side, such as sliced apples instead of fries, while still…

Scientists have developed a low-cost, rapid paper-based diagnostic system for strain-specific detection of the Zika virus, with the goal that it could soon be used in the field to screen blood, urine, or saliva samples.

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