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Physical and biological models often have hundreds of inputs, many of which may have a negligible effect on a model's response. Establishing parameters that can be fixed at nominal values without significantly affecting model outputs is often difficult. In a new paper, authors apply robust…

A new study reveals how two populations of neurons in the brain contribute to the brain's inability to correctly assign emotional associations to events. Learning how this information is routed and misrouted could shed light on mental illnesses including depression, addiction, anxiety, and…

The vast majority of searches pertained to e-cigarette shopping, while few related to cessation or vaping health.

A new study has found that higher rates of Flint children showed elevated lead levels in their blood during drier months of the year, even before the switch to a new water supply. The findings suggest that lead contaminated soil is most likely the culprit especially in the older, more industrial…

Vital clues about how the brain erases long term memories have now been uncovered.

A new study indicates that the thought processes of political conservatives gives greater weight to negative information. Conservatives are significantly more likely to remember images that evoke negative emotions.

In a landmark proof-of-concept experiment, researchers have used a handheld 3-D printing pen to 'draw' human stem cells in free-form patterns with extremely high survival rates.

Eye tracking can differentiate children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from children without ASD but with other developmental problems (non-ASD). At present, ASD is identified using subjective methods such as parent report, interviews, and clinician observations. Having an objective marker of…

A new drug appears to help people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, but eventually stop benefitting from the use of the current top treatment: injectable, bioengineered proteins that interfere with the action of a powerful inflammatory substance.

A scientific breakthrough may lead to new treatments for chronic infections, report researchers, describing their major step forward in tackling the growing concern of antibiotic resistance.

In a clinical phase-3-study, an international research cooperation has achieved significant success with the drug Baricitinib for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The test persons exhibited significantly less symptoms of the disorder.

Scientists have identified DNA changes that can cut a person's lifespan by up to three years. One of the variants is linked to a gene associated with an increased risk of lung cancer and severe respiratory problems in people who smoke. The other is in a gene associated with Alzheimer's disease and…

A class of commonly used fungicides has been found that produce gene expression changes similar to those in people with autism and neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease.

Seasonal influenza vaccination may guard against stillbirth, a new study suggests. Researchers in Western Australia analyzed data from nearly 60,000 births that occurred during the southern hemisphere's 2012 and 2013 seasonal influenza epidemics, and found that women who received the trivalent…

While homicide victimization rates declined for whites, blacks, and Hispanics in the United States from 1990-2010, the drop was much more precipitous for the two minority groups, new research concludes.

Patients undergoing minimally invasive mitral valve repair or replacement (mini-MVR) have similar outcomes as patients undergoing conventional surgery and also experience shorter hospital stays and fewer blood transfusions, according to an article.

Statisticians, computer scientists and medics are launching a new project to predict how long you will live. They will use 'Big Data' to predict life expectancy -- and particularly how various chronic diseases and their treatments impact longevity.

Nine laws designed to reduce underage drinking have been instrumental in saving more than 1,100 lives each year in the states that have adopted them, and that an additional 210 lives could be saved annually if they were adopted in every state, new research suggests.

Zika virus can be detected in blood samples taken from a pregnant woman while brain damage is developing, as well as isolated in cell culture from the brain tissue of the fetus.

The "secret" to staying strong as we age has been discovered by a researcher: superb fitness. A new study found that elderly people who were elite athletes in their youth or later in life – and who still compete as masters athletes — have much healthier muscles at the cellular level compared to…

A Critical Disability Studies Working Group is working to highlight how ableist assumptions about the body, cognition and perception promote a limited range of understanding what it means to be human.

"You missed out." Is there another sentence that could strike such anxiety in the hearts of young people? Known as FOMO in millennial-speak, fear of missing out is quickly taking a toll on Generation Y—and it's probably causing damage to your own life.

Few neuroscientists question the idea that scar tissue formed by glial cells after brain or spinal cord injury impedes regrowth of damaged nerve cells. But now, working in mouse models, a team of scientists has found that glial scar tissue formed after spinal cord damage may actually favor nerve…

Cerebral cavernous malformations are clusters of dilated, thin-walled blood vessels in the brain that can cause stroke and seizures, yet exactly how they form is somewhat of a mystery. Now, a research team has discovered the molecular mechanism that underlies this common cerebrovascular disease.

Eating one serving a day of beans, peas, chickpeas or lentils could contribute to modest weight loss, a new study suggests. Eating about 3/4 cup (130 grams) each day of these foods known as pulses led to a weight loss of 0.34 kilograms (just over half a pound), in a systematic review and…

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