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New research has revealed that a key immune system component -- innate lymphoid cells (ILC) -- is destroyed during acute HIV infection. This may play a key role in understanding the progression of the disease from HIV to AIDS, say scientists. HIV affects more than 35 million people worldwide.

NFL violence is not as common off the field as it may seem, say researchers. Compared to violent offending data in other studies, the percentage of violent arrests among NFL players was higher. But these crimes were committed by a very small number of players.

Millions of people are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) right now. Among military personnel who've been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, an estimated 31 percent are PTSD sufferers. An estimated 52 percent of people with PTSD also suffer from major depressive disorder (MDD). The…

Because Volkswagen has committed large-scale fraud with the software in diesel engines, nine million fraudulent cars, sold in Europe and the US from 2009 to 2015, have emitted a cumulative amount of 526 kilo tonnes of nitrogen oxides more than was legally allowed. The Volkswagen fraud has had an…

In real estate, location is key. It now seems the same concept holds true when it comes to stopping pain. New research indicates that the location of receptors that transmit pain signals is important in how big or small a pain signal will be -- and therefore how effectively drugs can block those…

Bilingual children are better than monolinguals at a certain type of mental control, and that those children with more practice switching between languages have even greater skills.

Researchers explain anecdotal and conflicting reports as to why some report pain around electromagnetic fields from cell phones.

In a 1978 essay, titled Where Am I?, the philosopher Daniel Dennett suggested that the brain was the only organ of which it's better to be a transplant donor than recipient. Now Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero wants to turn philosophical thought experiments into reality by transplanting the…

Engineers have found a way to keep a cancerous tumor from growing by using nanoparticles of the main ingredient in common antacid tablets. With their work, researchers show for the first time that they can modulate pH in solid tumors using intentionally designed nanoparticles.

It is normal -- in fact necessary -- for our immune system to occasionally fly into an inflammatory rage to defend the host (us) against pathogens or even tumor cells. Problems arise when the rage persists or is re-directed against one's self, as occurs in autoimmune disease.

Scientists have used mathematics as a tool to provide precise details of the structure of protein nanoparticles, potentially making them more useful in vaccine design.

A new study has provided the first report on the relationship of brain concentrations of mercury to brain neuropathology and diseases associated with dementia.

A new therapeutic strategy for HIV may already be available by repurposing an existing prescription drug, new research shows. The drug, an enzyme called adenosine deaminase, or ADA, ultimately may be able to activate the immune system against HIV and to help the immune system 'remember' the virus…

Researchers are using a mathematical tool to help determine which concussion patients will go on to suffer migraine headaches, according to a new study.

The relationship of the worldwide increase in height with the development of leading chronic non-communicable diseases has been revealed in a new article. Tall people have a lower risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, but a higher risk of cancer. The authors discuss which dietary…

Extracts of the medicinal plant Cistus incanus (Ci) prevent human immunodeficiency viruses from infecting cells, new research shows. Active antiviral ingredients in the extracts inhibit docking of viral proteins to cells, they say.

From a collection of more than 7,800 unrelated neurofibromatosis type 1 mutations, researchers have aimed at two goals: correlate a particular mutation with the symptoms that will develop as the child grows, and identify the likely mechanism that caused a group of DNA rearrangement mutations.

Researchers often analyze isolated biomolecules in test tubes, and it is doubtful if the results can be applied to densely-packed cells. A team of researchers monitored the folding of an RNA structure in the living cell and compared the results with those of test tube analyses.

Congenital disorders such as Down's syndrome could be better understood, following new insights into how healthy cells are formed. Scientists have identified a set of proteins that play a key role in preventing errors during the formation of healthy cells.

A large-scale study based on almost 7,000 strains of Listeria monocytogenes -- the bacterium responsible for human listeriosis, a severe foodborne infection -- has concluded. Through the integrative analysis of epidemiological, clinical and microbiological data, the researchers have revealed the…

Researchers have developed a new biosensor test system based on magnetic nanoparticles. It is designed to provide highly accurate measurements of the concentration of protein molecules (e.g. markers, which indicate the onset or development of a disease) in various samples, including opaque…

A brain reward center, the striatum, may be directly affected by inflammation and that striatal change is related to the emergence of illness behaviors, scientists report.

A new paper describes methods to optimize characteristics of cells grown in a lab using biomaterial coatings. The research falls within the field of tissue engineering - the use of biomaterials, cells, and natural factors to regenerate tissues and organs lost to disease or injury. The research…

Abnormalities in embryonic brain development in mice, including transient embryonic brain enlargement during neuron formation, are responsible for abnormal adult brain structures and behavioral abnormalities, researchers have discovered.

Listeria bacterium found in food, which can infect people and cause temporary gastro-intestinal distress, is a serious health risk for pregnant women and for people with compromised immune systems. According to a dissertation, the bacterium, which sometimes causes the lethal illness listeriosis,…

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