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Tissue-engineered colon derived from human cells is able to develop the many specialized nerves required for function, mimicking the neuronal population found in native colon. These specialized neurons, localized in the gut, form the enteric nervous system, which regulates digestive tract motility,…

An experimental gene therapy essentially doubled the overall survival of patients with recurrent glioblastoma compared to the current standard of care, researchers report.

A malfunctioning enzyme may be a reason that binge drinking increases the odds of alcoholism, according to a study. The scientists identified a previously unsuspected job performed by the enzyme, in mice. The discovery could help guide the development of medications that extinguish the urge to…

E. coli ClpB is a bacterial enzyme that untangles proteins. Such tangles are hallmarks of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. A study now offers new insight on this amazing molecular machine, and could lead toward new treatment approaches.

The genetic makeup of colon cancer tumors and survival rates for patients with the disease differ by race, according to a study. Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in both men and women with more than 93,000 cases estimated to be diagnosed in 2015. Researchers have long known that blacks…

Lung cancer screening programs that utilize standardized reporting and include cardiothoracic surgeons as part of a multidisciplinary team can successfully be adopted into clinical practice without an increase in surgical intervention for non-cancerous disease, according to an article.

Variability, such as that seen in movement, is essential both for normal behavior and for longer-term evolution, scientists suggest. Their animal study shows sensory feedback increases the range of responses -- variability -- within individuals, but decreases the range across a group.

Infants diagnosed with drug withdrawal symptoms at birth, also known as neonatal abstinence syndrome, are nearly two and a half times as likely to be readmitted to the hospital in the first month after being discharged compared with full-term infants born without complications, according to new…

Researchers have identified cellular changes traceable to an RNA splicing factor that's also an oncoprotein that may play a role in converting normal breast cells into tumors. Targeting these changes could potentially lead to therapies for some forms of breast cancer, they say.

The endoplasmic reticulum plays a more important role in type 2 diabetes and its complications than previously believed, new research suggests. To make their discovery, scientists identified several endoplasmic reticulum stress markers increased in cells from patients with type 2 diabetes as…

By detecting cancer at an early stage, or even predicting who has an increased risk of being affected, the possibilities to treat the disease can be radically improved. Now researchers have discovered that apparently healthy breast cells contain genetic aberrations that can be associated with an…

Blood transfusion rates in hip and knee replacement surgery were dramatically lower in overweight or obese patients than patients of normal weight, according to a study. Researchers also found no correlation between the heavier patients and post-surgical complications such as blood clots and heart…

Cancer specialists have long looked at genetic mutations and DNA copy changes to help predict patient survival and drug sensitivity. A new study has opened up yet another avenue for understanding the biological reasons why some people live longer or respond better to treatment -- RNA editing events.

A chemical in the brain could potentially be harnessed to help young people with Tourette Syndrome to overcome the physical and vocal tics associated with the neurological disorder, say researchers.

Glutamate is an amino acid with very different functions: in the pancreas, it modulates the activity of the pancreatic ß--cells responsible for insulin production, whereas in the brain it is the main excitatory neurotransmitter. In recent years, it has been suspected to play an additional role in…

First introduced in the United States in 2007, electronic cigarettes have risen dramatically in part because they are popularly considered safer and more socially acceptable than combustible cigarettes and because there are fewer restrictions on their purchase and use. A study now points to…

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the breakthrough drug Keytruda to treat advanced non-small cell lung cancer, signaling a paradigm shift in the way the deadliest of all cancers is treated.

Hepatic fibrosis, which involves scarring of the liver that can result in dysfunction and, in severe cases, cirrhosis and cancer, may be as much a consequence of genetics as environmental factors.

A molecular basis has been found for why 80 percent of patients with longstanding Type 1 diabetes have chronic gastrointestinal symptoms including gastroparesis (delayed emptying of food), irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal distension and fecal incontinence, significantly reducing their quality of…

Researchers are calling on the medical community to reconsider developing a known drug to treat people with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) after new evidence shows it does not increase the risk of cancer as previously thought.

Researchers have discovered that mothers with high levels of lead in their blood not only affect the fetal cells of their unborn children, but also their grandchildren.

A researcher surveyed video game players about their views of characters with unrealistic bodies and found that they objected to the exaggerated and highly sexualized physiques in the games.

Researchers have created the first self-propelled particles capable of delivering coagulants against the flow of blood to treat severe bleeding, a potentially huge advancement in trauma care.

Colorectal cancer will claim the lives of close to 50,000 Americans this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Screening is the most effective way to reduce the risk of dying from the disease, yet as a physician argues in a recent editorial, current recommendations to screen older people…

Health technologies are not governed by the real needs and challenges of healthcare systems, reveals a new study.

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