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A new study analyzed data collected from employees in 11 countries to determine if gender differences in career centrality — the importance of one's career to their identity — exist, and examined how those differences relate to professional demands, gender role beliefs and cultural expectations.

The numbers of opiate receptors in the brain increases to combat severe pain in arthritis sufferers, researchers have shown for the first time. By applying heat to the skin using a laser stimulator, the researchers showed that the more opiate receptors there are in the brain, the higher the ability…

Among foot soldiers on the immune front line is a subpopulation of white blood cells called "patrolling monocytes," whose job is to cruise the bloodstream, cart off cellular debris, and block invasion of a less benign population of inflammatory cells. Now, a study illustrates that patrolling…

In an effort to pinpoint the earliest signs of diabetic kidney disease, researchers are leading a multi-institutional international effort dedicated to finding a new breed of disease indicators.

New research has shed light on the molecular changes that occur in our bodies as we age. In the largest study of its kind, an international group of researchers examined expression of genes in blood samples from 15,000 people across the world. They found 1,450 genes that are linked to aging, and…

A world-first study has revealed pre-schoolers exposed to more light earlier in day tend to weigh more. She says the research suggests light exposure, artificial and natural, needs to be part of the conversation about the weight of children, along with calorie intake, decreased physical activity…

Two new articles investigate the following questions: Do patients benefit from shared decision making? Is treatment more effective as a result? How do physicians gain from training in shared decision making?

How can you tell if someone is depressed? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) -- the 'bible' of psychiatry -- diagnoses depression when patients tick off a certain number of symptoms on the DSM checklist. A large-scale quantitative study now shows that some symptoms play…

Studies are underway to determine if a new modular partial wrist replacement will allow for better movement and last longer than traditional implants for people seeking relief from painful wrist arthritis.

Basic research into the mechanisms of cell division, using eggs and embryos from frogs and starfish, has led researchers to an unexpected discovery about how animal cells control the forces that shape themselves. During a key point in cytokinesis a cell's cortex becomes an excitable medium…

Thousands of chemicals are used in clothes manufacturing. Researchers have examined if there are chemicals in the clothes we buy as well. Several substances related to health risks were identified and not even organic cotton was a guarantee for non-toxic textiles.

A new strategy has been developed to determine monocyte subsets involved in diseases. The results could help facilitating the diagnosis of sarcoidosis and may improve the respective patient management.

In recent years, patients with pulmonary emphysema have been increasing mainly among middle-aged and elderly males due to aging and excessive smoking. Emphysema makes brittle lungs, and in severe cases, holes develop in the lung tissue, causing air leakage. Researchers have developed a new sealant…

Endocannabinoids, cannabis-like substances produced by the body itself, can affect the development of a baby's pancreas. The study also highlights the importance of diet during pregnancy for the fetal pancreas to form, new research shows.

A new 'early warning' system that automatically informs gamblers as soon as their behavior shows signs of turning into an addiction is helping people engage in the pastime responsibly.

It is widely recognized that our physical fitness is reflected in our mental fitness, especially as we get older. How does being physically fit affect our aging brains? Neuroimaging studies, in which the activity of different parts of the brain can be visualized, have provided some clues. Until…

Using kidney organoids grown from stem cells and gene editing, scientists have re-created human kidney disease in lab petri dishes. The findings pave the way for personalized kidney drug discovery.

In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers have found that injuries related to legal interventions, or contact with law enforcement, involving male teenagers is not an uncommon occurrence in the United States.

Wilma Subra helps vulnerable communities document the health toll of industrial pollution.

A researcher calls into question the common notion that CEOs have a large effect on firm performance. Instead, he suggests that most of the performance attributed to CEOs could actually be due to chance.

In this blog post, NCCIH scientist Wen Chen discusses compiling a list of natural product libraries on the NCCIH website.

REM sleep -- the phase of night-time mammalian sleep physiology where dreams occur -- has long fascinated scientists, clinicians, philosophers, and artists alike, but the identity of the neurons that control REM sleep, and its function in sleep have been controversial due to a lack of precise…

Muscular dystrophy, which affects approximately 250,000 people in the US, occurs when damaged muscle tissue is replaced with fibrous, fatty or bony tissue and loses function. For years, scientists have searched for a way to successfully treat the most common form of the disease, Duchenne Muscular…

Using new, highly sensitive genomic sequencing technology, an international team of researchers has found new biological evidence to help explain why the malaria vaccine candidate RTS,S/AS01 (called RTS,S) provided only moderate protection among vaccinated children during clinical testing. The…

A physician, who during his 31-year career in medicine has seen the harmful effects of smoking on his patients, advocates for raising the smoking age to 21. He says the move would help curb access to tobacco products at an early age and lead to reductions in smoking prevalence.

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